Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Recipe for a Snow Day

We were told yesterday to expect up to 18 inches of snow when we woke up today. Sure enough, at 7:00 this morning I popped out of bed and ran downstairs as if it was Christmas morning to peek out the windows...they were all blanketed in snow! YES!!! Snow day! Work is closed-just an entire day in the middle of the week to do whatever I desire-in the confines of my house of course. I decided it was the perfect opportunity to actually commit to this "blogging" I claim to so want to do- it being a fresh shiny new year and all.
I got a slow cooker for Christmas, and I tested it out yesterday with a whole chicken and some veggies, and put them on at 8 AM to cook until I got home from work. I had panic attacks throughout all of Tuesday, envisioning coming home to a burnt down house. I'm still not sure the time saving dinners are worth the anxiety even though it turned out to be a delicious success.
I had a ton of leftover broth and bits of chicken. So this morning after I saw that our neighborhood was indeed a winter wonderland, I made a strong pot of coffee, and chopped up celery, baby carrots, onion, and threw it all in the crock pot with the leftovers; along with paprika, garlic, salt, pepper, and some chicken broth. I would have loved to add some potatoes-but we're on the whole new year's resolution diet...
My coffee must have been extra caffeinated, because once the soup was on I got it into my head that I was going to shovel out the front yard and cars. Now you must understand, I am from the west coast and have rarely seen this amount of snow-much less attempted to shovel it. I did the stairs, and path almost to the road then gave up because I got pains in odd places.
Now I'm sitting here trying to figure out where to really start this blog-and how to give it some sort of structure and flow. The aroma of home made chicken soup is floating in from the kitchen. If there must be snow, let there be enough to cause a Snow Day and make soup I say .

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